Ladies Tennis Team

The Netherwood Tennis Club participates in the NJWTL (New Jersey Women’s Tennis League). Matches begin mid-April and end mid-June. For the 2024 season, the Netherwood ladies team participates in Series 5.
New Jersey Women’s Tennis League
To access the NJWTL website for registration or to view the rules, please click the button(s) below.
2024 Match Schedule
Click the hyperlink for directions to away matches. All clubs require proper tennis attire, see specific club notations for additional requirements.
- 4/16 Away @ Orange Lawn
- 4/23 Home v. Glen Ridge
- 4/30 Away @ Bradford2
- 5/07 Home v. Spring Lake
- 5/14 Home v. Bradford1
- 5/21 Home v. Fiddler’s Elbow
- 5/28 Away @ Summit
- 6/04 Home v. CanoeBrook
- 6/11 Away @ Montclair (11:00 am match, 90% white including shoes & hats)
All matches are at 9:30 except 6/11.

Captains are required to read and discuss the League Rules with the Team. NJSTA rules apply.
Rules quick summary
- We play 3 full sets.
- These are untimed matches
- There is a 15-minute warm-up
- No breaks between sets. Play is continuous unless mutually agreed upon.
- Quick bathroom break between sets 2 and 3.
- Use of cell phone and watches may be subject to penalty points.
- If partners disagree on a call, the point goes to the opponent.
- Use of Monday pre-play
Lateness Penalty (NJWTL Rule 14) – There is a 15 minute grace period for players who are later than the official 9:30am start time. If a player arrives at 9:35am, she has only a 10 minute warm-up left. If she arrives at 9:40am, she has a 5 minute warm-up. At 9:45am, there is no warm-up allowed and the following game deductions will apply:
One (1) game will be forfeited for each 5 minutes of lateness beyond 9:45 am.
- If play begins at 9:50am, the score begins 0-1
- If play begins at 9:55am, the score begins 0-2
- If play begins at 10:00am, the score begins 0-3
- If play begins at 10:05am, the score begins 0-4
- If play begins at 10:10am, the score begins 0-5
- If play does not begin until 10:15am, the score is 0-6. The team has now lost the first set and forfeited the match.
Additional Team Items
- Team practices will be Friday at 11 am. Everyone is encouraged to come practice. We will practice with partnerships when feasible.
- Lunch Schedule for home matches. Three teammates per match
- Money Collection end of season will be to cover the cost of water, snacks, balls, etc for home matches
- We encourage all team members to come out and support the team at home matches.
- The objective this year is “Holding our Ground.”
- Kim will send out the line-up for the Tuesday match on Friday after confirmation from the opposing team. It will include subs on deck.
2024 Uniforms
For 2024, the Netherwood Ladies Team will sport any pink or green tank (click here to order the pink tank pictured) and any white skirt with the green Netherwood logo on the left thigh. Contact Kate if you have not yet purchased the iron-on logo.
See below for an optional “Love Tennis” cotton sweater in the team colors available at Pink Pineapple Shop. There is a buy one get one 50% off promo, so buying two makes sense — find someone on the team who would like to buy and combine your orders for a nice discount.
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